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Hostel Rules

1. Cooking of food in the rooms or on the balconies is prohibited.

2. No food or drink is allowed in the room.

3. The guests must not remove any property from the hostel.
4. Every guest is responsible for the care and upkeep of the hostel property he/she uses.
5. The guests found responsible for any damage or loss of the hostel property will be fined individually or collectively as the case may be.
6. The hostel is non-smoking.  Smoking is possible only outside of the hostel. Drinking alcohol/liquor is also prohibited.
7. The guests must not tamper with the electrical fixtures in their rooms.
8. Possession of electrical gadgets is prohibited.
9. The guests are requested to switch off lights or the air-conditioner when not required.
10. The hostel shall not be responsible for any damage or loss of personal belongings of the guests.
11. The guests should ensure that their rooms are kept neat and clean and sanitation is maintained in toilets/bathrooms.  They must not litter corridors and other hostel premises.
12. The guests will not indulge in any monetary transactions.
13. Gambling, drug taking, possessing or distributing drugs, fighting, theft and pornography are strictly prohibited in the hostel.  Such misdeeds will be dealt with severely and handed over to the police.
14. No pets are allowed into the Hostel.
15. No Noise.  If you arrive late into the night, please respect the other guests, our neighbors and our family members when you enter and get settled in. No loud music, loud television sounds or loud telephone conversations after 10pm, please.
16. Any guest found guilty of misconduct or violating the rules will be warned. The manager or warden has full authority to issue warnings to the guests.  After two warnings guests will be asked to leave the hostel.

17. No visitors are allowed to enter the room.

Complaints and suggestions
It is our desire to make you feel welcome and comfortable.  We are interested to hear any complaints or suggestions you may have to improve the hostel.
DIY Itinerary
In addition, if you couldn’t find your favorite travel routes in ready-made itineraries? Come here to DIY your own itinerary. We can help you design an itinerary of your individual taste There is no charge on this service for all customers.

2013 by Penghu Moncsor lnternational Youth Hostel 澎湖滿客舍國際青年旅舍 . All rights reserved.


No. 10, Lane 27, Minyu Street,

Magong, Penghu 880, Taiwan



{空中大學後面苦茶店旁巷子轉灣, 直走到紫色建物}


TEL: 06-9219681; 0910034762



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